im after some plastic sheets at least 2mm thick im making me own pet tank for snails if you get me the bigger n better the sheets n cheaper the better do you know any good onlines places to order from
physique Paint Lube Slip and Slide finished physique Oil Massages Chocolate Sauce Wax Golden Showers Whip Cream Play finished physique airborne dirt and dust mask the opportunities are relatively endless... something you may think of no longer desirous to stain your sheets/mattress could be in this checklist.
If okorder and check it out. Sorry I don*t know the thickness
2mm is pretty thin. If you don't mind going with 4-6mm, then you can get Acrylic (plexiglass) sheet. If there is a plastics processing company near you, you may be able to get Lexan (Polycarbonate) at a pretty good price. You can find the acrylic sheet at most hardware stores. If you screw the pieces together, make sure you slowly drill pilot holes first or you will crack the edges. Other than that, it pretty easy to work with and very durable.
Plastic drop-cloth for painting is very thin and cheap at Hardware Stores.
Any store with a good paint dept will also sell plastic drop cloths of various sizes and thicknesses, one of them will meet your needs.