ok, so yesterday i accidentally left my car lights on and the battery died, so my friend came and jjumped it, but suddenly my car started alarming like crazy! it just wouldnt stop even when i had the engine running. After a certain period of time it would stop and whenever i opened the door, the alarm would go off again. i tried everything from turning the engine off and on, locking and unlocking the doors with a switch in the car, using the keys from outside of the car to lock and unlock the car. There used to be a remote for it but i lost it.Is there a way to remove the alarm or another way to turn if off help!! please thanks
their is an alarm control box under the dash sould be labeled a a security device or have an fcc number on it just unplug it
Try holding the key chain button down till it beeps.
Coal or Hydel or anything it depends on the no of poles of the alternator. If it's a 2 Pole generator then for power supply at 50Hz will require a speed of 1500 rpm. (unless of course gears or belt dives are used)
Find and remove the fuse, that'll shut the alarm off. All car alarms will go off if the battery had been disconnected and reconnected or is drained to the point the alarm computer thinks it's been tampered with. You're lucky your alarm doesn't have a starter interlock. There's one method that MIGHT work. Turn the key from the ON to ACC position 5 times within 10 seconds. This method will reset SOME Viper alarms.
Relayman is the only one who hinted at the fact you are all talking alternator RPM's, not turbine RPM's! For both to be the same, the turbine and alternator would have to be on the same shaft.