Home > categories > Security & Protection > Lightning Rod > Please Help!!!(SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY).?


i have a physics assignment that i have to submit within this sunday.i din't get the following questions.PLEASE HELP.i'd be very grateful to you:)1.what is a lightning conductor and what is its principle?2.electrostatic experiments do not work properly on a humid day,why?3.a bird perching on a power line doesn't recieve an elec.shock.why?4.a charged sphere is identical to a point charge for the calculation of elec.field and elec.potential,why?please answer these questions and SAVE MY LIFE!!thanx!


Ask your instructor ! He is the only one you should be taking advice from on this subject. If you are very young, it is not advisable to do the kind of training you are asking about in the first place. Best of ask your instructor
Get a basic linament, Zheng Gu Shui (order from an accupuncurist), and use the sand over the hard surface.
Not quite sure what you are asking, but I'll try to elaborate on my understanding. You will not be able to protect your account from other network users, nor files. Your best bet will to add permissions to your files.
To condition your shins you do neither, either way will just damage them. Just be patient, and kick the heavy bag. Tapping your shins with a hard object will only damage them permanently.

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