I have bought 2 Mac Pigment to use as eyeshadow,I thought it was supposed to be easy to use,turned out it wasn't.My eye looked like I got hit, so messy and the pigment was all over the place. I wonder if i should wet my brush or do u have some kind of tricks before applying it.Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks for helping.
Just make it into a sort of paste. Like you said, wet the brush (this is what I do when using MAC pigment) by running it under the tap or dipping it into a container with a bit of water in. The reason I use a container is that you sometimes need to dampen the brush a couple of times and it saves you from getting up and finding a tap. This will stop it from getting everywhere and leaving a shimmer over your face! If I'm in a hurry, I find that blowing the applicator you're using to get rid of excess powder works just as well. Oh, and don't dab it in, make sure you properly brush it on, otherwise it tends to fall onto the tops of your cheeks.
apply it carefully with the brush...if it loks to bad you can go back to the store to help you..they always help me there;)
apply lightly and blow on your brush before you apply it to your face,this gets rid of all the excess so it doesnt fall down to your cheek
Mixing okorder /watch?v=tbKmWd_Fl... I believe you can use vaseline for this as well. Also, it sometimes helps to use a sponge applicator, and yes, wetting your brush works as well. Start with a LITTLE. If you get a whole bunch on your brush you're going to make a huge mess.
With the pigment you have many options to apply them. In my experience I have learned three primary ways that work well. 1) If you are looking to use as a shadow apply a base such as a lid primer or a paint, then apply the pigment using little pigment, it is always easier to build up the color than it is to take away. 2) If you want the color to be darker and have more dramatic impact use the pigment with mixing medium or water and apply carefully with a brush using little amounts. 3) I like to use the pigments as eyeliner, to do that I either apply just using a brush, using mixed with water/medium or on top of black eyeliner. By using a base your color lasts longer and it gives you a smoother application. Also to deal with the stuff that drops on your cheeks my hints are either do your eyes first and use a makeup remover wipe to take it away or use your powder apply it using a brush heavily up under your eyes and then when done with eye makeup dust the powder and pigments away. I know the second option looks weird but it does work. Also if you ever do apply pigments and they start to go to dark or look a bit patchy try applying a eyeshadow over them not only to change the color but also to change the look of the eyeshadow texture. Hope this helps.