copper wiring and plumbing gets stolen from building sites and old structures because it is so valuable.there‘s so much talk on here about the Gold Standard---why stop at gold? More people have diamond rings and other jewelry at home than they have gold bars.In the 19th century, Populists demanded silver over gold to back the currency. Maybe we could make purchases with silver bars and old spoons!
Of course, people barter already with all kinds of things. But the reason I and many other people don't want to trade with precious metals is because we're not metallurgists, we can't know the purity of a hunk of silver unless it's in a coin or other recognized form.
Diamonds are not really valuable. Go to any pawn shop with a ring and you will get A LOT less than what you paid for. Diamonds are expensive because they are hard to get and cut but they are purely for fashion. Cutting diamonds are not exactly the same thing. It's not like gold and silver and copper has some value but not enough to use as currency.
That's between you and your crack dealer.