While cleaning out the garage of a home I recently bought, I found a sealed unlabeled tub with a cement (or concrete) mixture inside. Is there a way to tell if it is Portland, Quickrete, Sakrete, or whatever? Thanks.
It really don't matter what it is, sealed or not, all the products you mentioned are only good for so long then break down and then are all called by one name. Garbage. As you have no idea as to how old it is, thats the name of it.Garbage
If it's a concrete or mortar mix; it is what it is. It doesn't sound as if it's only portand cement which would be almost white. If it's in a tub and not a sack, it might be something like DryLok for sealing a masonry wall. Check to see if your basement walls have a sandy texture; this may be the leftover.
If it has stones in it, it is most likely a concrete mix. As far as determining which product it is, such as Quikrete, Sakrete, etc., you can possibly take a sample in and have it analyzed, but why? The products are similar enough that exact identification probably isn't necessary. If there are no stones, it could be Portland cement or mortar. Hope this helps.
Portland cement is the base for all types of concrete and mortar mixes. Some have lime added for adhesion for brick and block work, others have latex additives for strength. There's no way to tell without the label.