But what is the price of hydrogen fuel cells at a pump? Anyone live in California?I'm trying to figure out how much it would cost to fill up the Honda FCX. It was just announced today that they are producing them!! A win for humanity! :D
Hydrogen sadly is from oil companies -_- 4% of all hydrogen are electrolysis. Hydrogen is extracted from the oil since oil does contain some hydrogen gas. Recomendation is doing electrolysis either way the oil companies still rule O
who care`s what it cost, you are saving earth
Hydrogen is purely a bonehead stupid gas. only area of the parade of phony vegetables. It does not liquefy so it quite is saved in very costly, very risky extreme stress tanks. it quite is not extra low priced nor does it produce much less greenhouse gases. The potential to create hydrogen might desire to come from someplace suitable now that someplace is fossil fuels. subsequently the fee of hydrogen is tied to the fee of oil, and it quite is production the end results of liberating CO2.
I doubt they'll have hydrogen stations where you can fill up anytime soon. There will be a home-refueling station that will use electricity and natural gas to produce hydrogen for the fuel cell. This will still result in CO2 emissions, though none from the car itself, only during the hydrogen production phase. A nice benefit of the home-refueling station from Plug Power, Honda's supplier, is that it can also generate power for use at home if the power goes out. The hydrogen in the station's storage tank can provide 5 kwh until it's exhausted, comparable to many emergency generators. The FCX will be very hard to get since they plan on only 200 being built in the next 3 years. If it succeeds then they may begin building hydrogen charging stations but until then most people will have to rely on the home refueling station. Based on past estimates, it won't require much electricity or natural gas to refuel the fuel cells so I doubt the cost would be high but I can't find a link to that info and it's not on Honda's site now.