I can't get my printer to work right. When I click on print, the paper goes in, but very crooked. The right corner goes in far, then the left, so the things I want printed, are diagonal on the paper instead of straight across. How do I fix it.
Look for floor drains and put water in them. If the water has evaporated, the sewer gas smell will come thru the drain. Look for mice droppings, one may have died
I doubt you're going to get anything fixed by class time. The trick here might be to use Safe Mode With Networking to download and run anti-malware programs. A second trick would be to give them a different name before running them. The malware is keying off something to disable the anti-malware, and the easiest to key off and to avoid is the file name. Just make sure you don't change the .exe part, or Windows won't know how to run it. To get into Safe Mode with Networking: 1.Log out and reboot your machine. 2.When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly. 3.Select Safe Mode with Networking from the resulting menu. 4.Login. If the malware has changed your password, try logging in as Administrator. By default, Administrator has no password. 5.The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different. 6.When you're finished doing what you need to do, log out and reboot back into normal mode. Good luck.
No It's natures way of punishing the stupid for not using protection or common sense.