Problem 13: A school is being designed with three identical building- wide fire alarm systems. The reliability?
Roman Reigns and here's why.Dean Ambrose he's stong on the mic for sure but so is Roman Reigns and not just that roman has more of the look the dudes face is like sculpted no joke and he can talk just as good as Ambrose, Roman Reigns will undoubtedly will have a great career in. His wrestling skills are really good probably my favorite of the 3 and plus roman has something about him that can keep the attention of the viewers and audience watching and listening even when he spoke he seemed on the dot. Ambrose will be a main event star as well but the other guy we will have to wait and see. I would love for somebody like HHH to be their group leader.
I have tried the shouting into the night bit and it almost got me arrested. The hard work and effort have not gotten me where I need to go so I have no choice but to wait on the Son and He is taking His sweet time, but then maybe I am not ready either. So I will just keep working and dreaming - but keeping my mouth shut.~