does anybody know any good proxies i really need some to get on myspace all the good one's from before summer are all gone now you dont know how mad i was when i got back from vacation and couldnt like use rapidwire anymore cuz it was blockedthat was like the best 1 to get on myspace it was everyone favorite we were using it for like 2 years and they just blocked it man so does anyone have any good proxies if you do please tell me im so bored i need to get on myspace lol and my school blocks almost every website its so dumb
Try your local county's transportation department, if it's a county road. Or if it's in the City, the city's transportation department. If it's a state road, you'd want the state's DOT.
Try and use a chain with a half decent lock and alos get as many parts of the bike wound in the chain that could be stolen, like the front wheels and the frame are the main ones, I sometimes see some people go as far as to take the seat with them, probobly a decent idea if it's quick release. Also might be worth swopping quick release bolt/screws for traditional bolts to limit the likleyhood of someone trying to pinch your bike!