I have the logitech bluetooth keyboard and mose for the ps3 aand is there a way for me to install a OS with that or does it require a wired keyboard?
You need a wired keyboard for the installation, because you can't connect Bluetooth device until after. You know you can use the bluetooth keyboard/mouse on the XMB, right? I'm pretty sure you can use it also, for web surfing and whatnot.
The keyboard can be wireless, it can even be bluetooth, but you can't use it with the bluetooth card on the PS3, you have to have some sort of connection through USB, and the USB adapter must come with the keyboard, using a bluetooth dongle will not work The problem is, when you load linux off of the DVD, it dosen't have bluetooth drivers, but it does have USB drivers, so you need a keyboard connected via the USB port for it to work, any keyboard and mouse with a USB connector will work just fine