Pump frequency converter instantaneous restart and restart the problem
Speed tracking start.
The specific to ask you to drive the inverter that guy.
He earned your money there is a need for technical support
Speed tracking start, with them better. Speed search time is less than the free downtime, not too small too much, will be over-voltage protection.
I do not understand and contact me. Your inverter voltage level, manufacturers.
Inverter speed:
Based on the advantages of speed control, energy saving and reliable operation, the frequency converter has gradually replaced the traditional variable speed, electromagnetic speed and voltage regulation. In the introduction of PWM flux vector control of the inverter a few years later, the end of 1998 and the emergence of DTC control technology inverter. ABB's ACS600 series is the first generation of DTC technology using the inverter, it can open the ring speed and torque for accurate control, and dynamic and static indicators have been better than PWM closed-loop control indicators. Direct torque control to measure motor current and DC voltage as input to the adaptive motor model. The model produces a set of precise torque and flux actual values ??every 25μs. The torque comparator and flux comparator compare the actual values ??of torque and flux with the reference values ??for torque and flux to Determine the optimal switch position. It can be seen that it is through the torque and magnetic flux measurement, instantly adjust the inverter circuit switching state, and then adjust the motor torque and magnetic flux, in order to achieve the purpose of precise control.
How the frequency converter works:
The frequency converter is a power control device that transforms the power frequency power supply into another frequency by the on-off function of the power semiconductor device. We are now using the inverter is mainly used to pay - straight - cross mode (VVVF frequency conversion or vector control frequency), the first frequency AC power through the rectifier into a DC power supply, and then convert the DC power supply frequency, voltage can be controlled AC power supply to the motor. The circuit of the inverter is usually composed of four parts: rectifier, intermediate DC link, inverter and control. Rectifier part of the three-phase bridge uncontrollable rectifier, inverter part of the IGBT three-phase bridge inverter, and the output for the PWM waveform, the middle of the DC link for the filter, DC energy storage and buffer reactive power.