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put the lime in the coconut?

first one 2 repeat this happy lil melody wins


Drinking water on it's own is great, but adding lemon or lime juice in its pure form is a great way to get some vitamin c. It will help weight loss because drinking plenty of water will reduce water retention, raise metabolism, and reduce appetite if you drink a glass before meals. I don't recommend adding any sugar to it. One teaspoon isn't even enough to make a change to the taste, and will only add empty calories that won't fill you up. Sugar will also make you store fat because it makes your insulin spike. If you must have a flavor added, Crystal Light, Propel, and Great Value have tons of flavors that will make it taste yummy. Get a sugar free kind. They're only five calories. Also, you have a half or a fourth of a glass of juice and water it down - you'll get plenty of vitamins and get a good taste; apple juice is the best tasting. I don't recommend drinking juice often, though, because it's almost pure sugar and has none of the fiber that a piece of fruit does. One more tip: If you're sleepy or you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait for ten or fifteen minutes. Most people are actually dehydrated when they think they're hungry.
No help with weight loss but just tastier to take down then just bland water
It does not help weight loss. Just tastes good. I like Lime and Club Soda.

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