
QQ spirit about forging class

Excuse me, if you want to QQ fairy 60 weapon forging, forging skills need the minimum number? Are forged weapon attributes directly related to forging skills? Have anyone been tested or authoritative? Thank you


Forging 60 weapons must be at least 60...... Weapon attributes have something to do with forging skills, but the effects of weapon equipment have nothing to do with forging skills. Forging skilled, high words to create weapons, may attack and attack the law of high, plus the probability of the property is also large, but it also depends on character
Forging skilled, high words to create weapons, may attack and attack the law of high, plus the probability of the property is also large, but it also depends on character
Forging 60 weapons must be at least 60...... Weapon attributes have something to do with forging skills, but the effects of weapon equipment have nothing to do with forging skills.

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