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question about copper and oxidisation?

so theres this experiment coming up:if an oxidised copper strip is left in a beaker of diluted hydrochloric acid for half an hour, what will be the result?(i need to know what the hydrochloric acid does to the oxidised layer of copper[ i think copper oxide], the chemical formula of the reactions and any other stuff related to the experiment)sorry for being so vague and demanding but chemistry is really new to me


Not vague at all. Copper oxide will dissolve in hydrochloric acid according to the equation CuO(solid) + 2 HCl(aqueous) --> H2O(liquid) + CuCl2(aqueous) This is a typical reaction between a basic oxide, and an acid, to make a salt and water. You will seethe copper turn pink and shiny, the colour of fresh copper metal, and the solution will turn blue or greenish blue because of the dissolved copper salt. Copper is not reactive enough to dissolve in HCl. if you tried this experiment with the more reactive metal, such as zinc, the metal itself would also dissolve and give hydrogen: Zn(solid) + 2 HCl --> ZnCl2(aqueous) + H2(gas)

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