Okay I want to become a real estate agent, but I don't know where to start. So my question is, where do I begin? I am 14 and I am very smart (valedictorian) and I absolutely love math. What college should I go? Feed bak please what do you think any tips?
sooooo sorry if this dont help :( good luck!! :D
you cannot be part of a real estate transaction until you are 18, but you do not need college degree per say. You just need to pass the real estate licensing course for your state. Course is offered at most any college.
You don't need a four year degree to be a real estate agent. Most community colleges or two year colleges offer prep classes for the real estate exam. It's not that hard, I know people who are as dumb as a rock who have passed the exam. If you are really smart, you might want to consider a better profession. Being an agent is very dependent upon the economy and the current state of housing, which fluctuates every 6-8 years or so. Also, being an agent requires you to have a very high tolerance in regards to dealing with people. You should talk with people who are real estate agents to see if it is for you. Most younger people have a hard time cracking into the field because you need lots of contacts and referrals. These things come from being an agent for a long time and building up a reputation. Also, people who buy the most expensive houses tend to be older and they may view a person much younger as not having the needed skills or experience to be the best for them. You don't need any math knowledge. If you can add and subtract and apply a percentage, that't all you need to know how to do. It is really a very simple career.