If I own property and decide to form a real estate llc.. how long do i generally have to transfer the title of ownership from myself to the llc's name? does this differ by state? where can i find this info?
You should really consult a real estate attorney. Sounds like you're just getting started in this. It's smart to spend a little money upfront and make sure you're doing things correctly right out of the gate. Much better than trying to fix things that weren't done right afterwards.
It is very wise to set up a trust because you get Tax benefits, protects your families wealth, beneficiaries get an inheritance without the taxation, asset in retirement and much more! You are leaving a legacy. Real Estate Planning with CAP or CPAA or an attorney. there is many different Trusts llc's you can set up. State laws differ from state to state. The timeliness depends on the gov ( state and national regulations). The Mili Group is a great source because it will save you money. Mili agents don't advise we educate the consumer. My brokerage does Real Estate Planning, we are not attorneys but we are certified asset planners and certified Private annuity advisers. We assist you in planning, You become educated and enables you to full understand whats going on. The Mili Group Is Nation wide. i can help! email me.