i need to real estate broker their training program, commission structure, oppotunities for floor time, and advantage and disadvantage.
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If you're trying to hire or purchase space to your small business, it’s worth realizing some of the common conditions which can be employed extensively within this industry so you along with your real estate agent are chatting the same language. Property Broker –State-qualified agencies with knowledge within the leasing process. Also, although a great agent will not simply allow you to find a house direct you towards all facets of the rental transaction. Common Area Maintenance (CAM) – This is the number of extra book charged for the tenant to keep up the common regions of the house contributed by tenants. Practical Square Footage – This is the square footage hired and applied entirely from the tenant. Any developments are defined by Tenant Improvements to the place that is rented possibly by, or for, a tenant.
Do you mean you want to contact a real estate agent to ask them these questions.? Also a Real Estate Agent is different from a Broker. I have my Real Estate Agents Licence. You must take a test called RESAT. Real Estate Sales Apptitude Test, to see if you are suited to sell Real Estate then you submit an application form, you are interviewed and a background check on you is done.If you are considered suitable you must then take a course it can be done through a educational centre or by correspondance. and it takes any where from 8 months to a year to complete. Once you are finished you must pass an exam. Some people have a Real Estate Company that will sponsor them and pay the cost of the course, licence fees etc. and provide them with a job The commission structure is determined by the Company you work for and the Real Estate Association. People rarely walk into agencies looking to buy or sell a house. The opportunities are that you work as hard or as little as you want, your hours are flexable, and you can make a great deal of money if you are successful. Disadvantages, for every agent selling 100 houses a year there are 100 who only sell a couple. for every 1 agent making a million dollars a year there are 1000 barely making a living. You must be ready to show a house nights, weekends, holidays. and answer calls 24/7/365 if you want to succeed. And you will need to work long hours when you first start out.