Really understand the friend said, anti-theft door lock how to choose the safety level
See the key, the current c-class is the highest level of the country last year identified.
The security level is divided into ABC currently c class for the security level
Anti-theft door of the security of the most focus on the anti-theft lock, and now the market to use the HP shield anti-theft door lock cylinder is basically open and moved to spend the country to kill abalone divided into three, 1.A level: Of the anti-destructive opening time is greater than 15 minutes, anti-technical open time is greater than 1 minute; 2.B-class: B-class lock core of the anti-destructive opening time is greater than 30 minutes, technical open time is greater than 5 minutes; : Ultra-B-level anti-theft door lock the technical opening time is greater than 4 hours, B-lock cost is higher than the A-level lock, if you feel that the security door lock is not safe, you can consider for a high level of security B Lock or super b-level lock.