I recently took apart my ds lite. I put the screw hole covers back on with superglue (not the best idea) and it looks really bad. Is there a chemical I can put on the glue residue to make it wash away that won't harm the plastic casing? If not, is there another way of removing the residue other than just picking at it? That would take a long time, and I don't want to risk scratching the case. Thank you.
Super glue remover is basically acetone nail polish remover, not good for your plastic. Is it possible to smoothe it with sand paper coat it with a spray paint for plastic? Krylon makes a plastic spray paint.
Use very fine sand paper to smooth it down.
Sorry, you are out of luck. Superglue makes a strong chemical bond and actually will fuse plastics. What you are seeing is the case has melted a little and bonded to the caps. You cannot fix this problem to my knowledge. and I think that trying to sand the area will only make it worse. Superglue is pretty nasty stuff... use it sparingly!