I have these horrid terracotta coloured sofa covers. They are horrid because our carpet is wine red - so they don't go! They are unused - so are the 'spare' set...but our current set has seen the last of its days. I am hoping to save money and not have to buy a new sofa - but just make sure that these sofa covers are a better colour than they currently are!Dylon pre-dye - which is for removing colour seems to work okay. But it hasn't removed enough for me to feel that it is okay to then dye them - I am going for beige. As the carpet is already dark, I do not feel that dark sofa covers will work. So - I was wondering if I could further use bleach for these covers (they are cotton) and how much I would need to use in the washing machine for them to do the job. They don't need to be white - just a bit lighter than they are! They are sorta a darker buttercream once the pre-dye has been used. Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! - TIA
Don't use bleach. Have you considered a product like Rit Laundry Treatment Color Remover?
There are a couple of problems with that idea.First,bleach weakens the fabric so you could be left with a swiss cheese type cover after a few days.The second problem is it would not strip out the color evenly. So you would be stuck with a calico type print sofa cover which sounds worse than what you have now! And as I'm writing this I was thinking,have you ever spilled bleach on something? For instance,i spilled bleach on my favorite black flannel pj.'s a couple days ago. It stripped the color out but it was a odd pinkish color.You would not be able to assure the out come of your sofa cover color because you don't know what colors the makers of the cover used when mixing the colors for your covers. Bottom line,bleach would make a poor dye for your covers because of strong reaction with fabrics. You may just have to buy more sofa covers,which sounds a lot cheaper than new carpet!