I am trying to remove my supply valve behind my toilet to replace but the valve wont come off. I am using a cresent wrench to turn it and it turns but does not unscrew. How can I remove this piece?
If you have to fight it then stop right there, It's not worth it, your floor will rot out on you in time unless you shut off the water at the main, cut off the old valve and put on a new one, Sweat it on or use a compression fitting valve and get a new float if you need one thing you don't need is water outside of the toilet. are you willing to test to see if it is water or a wise cracker, Do it right, it don't cost much on this one.and it is a whole lot easier.
If you have copper pipe behind this valve. you may be twisting the pipe. You must support the pipe while removing the valve. Good luck.
Stop! I'm assuming you've got threaded pipe and not soldered joints here, You need a wrench on the pipe as well. Allowing that pipe to turn can loosen the connection in the wall an cause a leak if you haven't already done so.