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Republicans: how much would you pay to make them go away?

Although I don't usually see this coming from liberals, I have seen Republicans say that liberals are so unpatriotic that they should move to another country. As we know, liberals are lazy no count drains on our economy, so it's likely they stick around and whine because they aren't productive enough to pay their way out. So the question is, if there was a campaign to assist liberals in moving out of country, how much would you donate? Assuming this program was successful, how much would you expect it would cost per liberal to move them out? What would be the best way to promote this program, both to encourage the successful conservatives to donate and actually get the lazy libs to take advantage of it? Also, should we insist they move to any one particular country or would they get to choose? If we say they could move anywhere, maybe we should assume they move to the most expensive possibility (which country would that be and why?) for purposes of our per liberal moved calculations.


I'll gladly move to Thailand for $500,000.
someone needs a reality check!! and you say Liberals are the problem
If 'liberals' left the country, conservatives would turn it into a huge church with missile silos around every corner.

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