Okay so i have one cartilage piercing already.plan a) i just get a scaffold piercing using already the cartilage piercing i haveplan b) i get another cartilage piercing then just wait for a while get a straight titanium barbell and stick it in threw bothI also need help convincing my mom.Help Me Out Please Thnk You
i'm no longer saying you're too youthful. yet a place that pierces with out I.D. oftentimes isn't very sparkling. i could purely ask your mothers and dads to take you to get 2 cartilege piercings (in view that it somewhat is particularly what it is). as quickly because it heals, you are able to placed a bar in it later. i do no longer see why a parent could techniques extra ear piercings on their infant. If it somewhat comes right down to it, you're able to do it your self. purely verify which you do purchase a piercing needle on line (new and interior the equipment) and be sterile approximately it. Use wiped sparkling rings.
I wouldn't do that... it looks pretty trashy to me... just have the regular cartilege piercing
the one you have needs to line up with the one you want, know what i mean. i imagine that most single cartilage piercings are not pointing the right direction to accommodate scaffolding.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but neither of those plans will work. Scaffold piercings need to be lined up a certain way in your ear, so you can't start with an existing piercing because you can't change your ear to fit what is already pierced. Scaffold piercings also need to heal with a bar in for them to be able to support a bar. You can't just get 2 cartilage piercings and stick a bar through. They won't line up and may not be able to support the extra weight of the bar, and migrate out. Seriously, do some research and wait until you are 16 at least.