We use seismic pressure gauge oil, do not know how to come back. Trouble master solution
If the oil spill, and that is the quality of the table, there are problems, it is best to return to the factory maintenance, do not recommend their refueling.
If the leak proof pressure gauge I advise you not to yourselfOil spills are generally so few: seals, aprons aging, instrument mounted on the equipment, vibration frequently or too large, table cover loose, careless instruments fell to the ground, resulting in deformation of table cover and so on. If you don't find the cause, you'll still leak it.If you want to say hello to suppliers but also advance the gas tank was rushed or silicone oil glycerin, general vibration proof pressure gauge case top has a filling hole, are sealed by the rubber plug, you can use a small Flathead screwdriver to knock the rubber plug (be careful not to damage the rubber plug, and silicone oil or glycerin) fill in the rubber plug can be a good.
Generally do not recommend their refueling. First of all, to check that the oil leak there, only the oil spill point can be solved again, do not solve, plus the leak. Say you add what kind of oil, general manufacturers have silicone oil (silicone oil has a variety of specifications), some glycerin, if two kinds of oil mix is more trouble, affect observation pressure. It is recommended to be returned to the manufacturer for repair.