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Should I wait for the newer amd bulldozer chips?

I'm in the market for a new pc iv decided on a pc wit a phenom 2 1090t but recently I heard about their next generation bulldozer chips. Should I wait for those? Does anyone know approximately when they will come out?


Of all the rumors, the latest release is Q2 2011. You're probably looking at 3 months. One rumor says AMD will release the 4 module/8core chip first, followed by the 3 module/6core then the dual module chip. Another rumor says the 3 module chip will come out first. AMD claims that Bulldozer is 50% faster than the 6 core Phenom II. I don't know if that's an 8 core or a 6 core chip that's 50% faster. The latest rumor is the Bulldozer chips will run on an AM3 board. However, the BD chip will be gimped if you run it on an AM3 board. Why doesn't Yahoo have some kind of answers and discussions deal on here... afraid of trolls. I noticed Dustin's comments on the price. If Bulldozer is really better than Sandy Bridge then you can bet that AMD will charge top dollar as long as they can. One example I can think of is the prices of graphics cards when you compare the GTX 200/HD4000 generation to the 40nm generation. AMD knows that Nvidia can't bring Fermi down any lower than what it already is. It pleases the shareholders to a great degree when a company charges as much as they can get out of a product. Trust me, AMD can afford to drop the price of any of their 6000 series cards.
I'm having the same problem but I chose the i7 Sandy Bridge 2600K over the Phenom II 1100T because it's still a good price to be intel and have those high functions but the AMD Bulldozer is going to be really expensive so i've heard so i'm kinda just waiting to see. I think it releases though at the end of the month (not sure exactely what day) try googling it.

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