Shouldn't insurance companies start considering this when insuring businesses?
How on earth would an insurance company know someone has an imaginary friend? I would at least hope they drug test them and give them a preliminary psych eval first though.
I know people at work you are just bad operating there machines very dangerous people w/o any imaginary friends to speak of /or to.
yes, as long as the imaginary friend doesn't give them drugs and alcohol on the job.
If someone is weird or nutty, that does not mean the individual is not fully capable of operating heavy machinery. Or teach high school students, or be a doctor, or serve burgers at a fast food restaurant. Unless this is negatively affecting their work performance, there is no reason to stop them for operating heavy machinery. Many people have quirks that make them seem odd to us - whether that means wearing pink every day, talking to their cat, knocking on wood to avert bad luck, or praying aloud before speaking publicly. That doesn't mean that they will do something wrong.
Sure! They can help out with all the buttons and levers.