Should the grader insure against heavy insurance?
According to the relevant provisions of the state on motor vehicle safety inspection standards, grader belongs to wheeled self-propelled machinery, and it is a kind of motor vehicle, and should be given strong risk.
Definitely. According to the traffic insurance Ordinance, the owner or manager of the vehicle in the territory of People's Republic of China on the road, should be in accordance with the provisions of the "People's Republic of China road traffic safety law" the compulsory traffic accident liability insurance insurance.
Definitely. According to the traffic insurance Ordinance, the owner or manager of the vehicle in the territory of People's Republic of China on the road, should be in accordance with the provisions of the "People's Republic of China road traffic safety law" the compulsory traffic accident liability insurance insurance.According to the relevant provisions of the state on motor vehicle safety inspection standards, grader belongs to wheeled self-propelled machinery, and it is a kind of motor vehicle, and should be given strong risk.