Should women on their period be required to wear a sign?
Lev.15:19- 24 states I am not allowed to have contact with a woman when she is in her time of menstral uncleanliness; however I cannot tell when a women is on her period and generally have to make assumptions depending on their mood. Would it be safer to just make all women currently on their period be required to wear a sign? I really do not want to offend God so I need some suggestions.
you need to reset the computer, take off the negative battery cable for 5 minutes, and it should go back to normal running.
And the Levitical codes also state that you should not wear a cloth made of more than one fiber. You should go naked rather than wear a polyester/blend shirt or pants.
you need to reset the computer, take off the negative battery cable for 5 minutes, and it should go back to normal running.
it is not installed correctly. You either forgot to plug something in, or have a vacuum hose off or in the wrong spot.
I find the mood method is generally reliable. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how this particular rule first came about. The old Hebrews were such a pragmatic lot! We are no longer under that set of laws, actually people other than the Hebrews were never under that law. Oh, OK then. Well, I guess nobody can complain about homos based on Leviticus 18 and 20 anymore, either.
This was a law given to the Israelites in the old testament and was not meant for the rest of us .The law was for all bodily discharges not just menstrual blood . This had it's value other than religious as a very early form of disease prevention . Blood is still considered sacred and the Bible makes cautions about blood . Very interesting how that applies to the current times and policies about blood . Seems like there was a lot of foresight , and perhaps aids wouldn't have taken such root , if the Biblical laws had been followed regarding blood .
it is not installed correctly. You either forgot to plug something in, or have a vacuum hose off or in the wrong spot.
I find the mood method is generally reliable. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how this particular rule first came about. The old Hebrews were such a pragmatic lot! We are no longer under that set of laws, actually people other than the Hebrews were never under that law. Oh, OK then. Well, I guess nobody can complain about homos based on Leviticus 18 and 20 anymore, either.
This was a law given to the Israelites in the old testament and was not meant for the rest of us .The law was for all bodily discharges not just menstrual blood . This had it's value other than religious as a very early form of disease prevention . Blood is still considered sacred and the Bible makes cautions about blood . Very interesting how that applies to the current times and policies about blood . Seems like there was a lot of foresight , and perhaps aids wouldn't have taken such root , if the Biblical laws had been followed regarding blood .
And the Levitical codes also state that you should not wear a cloth made of more than one fiber. You should go naked rather than wear a polyester/blend shirt or pants.