Sieve classification of linear vibrating screen
When the particle size of the products is more than two, the sieving sequence appears. There are three kinds of vibration screening order: 1, the overlap method is coarse to fine. In the sieving process from coarse to fine, the screen surfaces overlap one by one, and the screen of the upper sieve surface is larger, and the sieve holes of the following screens are gradually reduced.
2, the sequence method from fine to coarse screening. In the sieving process from fine to coarse, the screen faces are arranged sequentially in accordance with the increasing order of the sieve holes. Easy to repair, easy to observe the work of each screen surface, in addition, each sieve can be discharged along the length of the screen surface respectively. 3, combined method (mixed screening) in the joint process, part of the screen surface from coarse to fine arrangement, and not part of the screen surface from fine to coarse arrangement. In production practice, a sieving process, usually from coarse to fine or joint, is usually used.
(1), the screen surface wear small, although the largest block is added to the sieve screen surface of all material and one of the largest, but the screen is often composed of steel bar is not easy to wear, and to protect the pores below the screen surface; (2), high efficiency fine material screening level, because the pores to screen surface the small number of materials; (3), less breakage of coarse level material in the sieve surface process, because the coarse level material can quickly from the screening process is identified, which is important point of coal sieving; (4), because the screen surface is multilayered, so the screening device arranged more compact.