I recently installed speakers in my ceiling for my entertainment center, they sound fine but you can hear them through the floor upstairs. does anyone know what i can do?
Depends on how involved you want to get and how much you want to spend, however I found cork, (purchased at home depot), worked as a good sound soak material and was easy to glue. Remove the ceiling speaker, glue the cork above it covering as much area as you can reach and reinstall the speaker. Relatively cheap, worked for me.
Soundproofing Ceiling Speakers
You can reduce some of the sound transmission by putting some absorbent material above the speaker (e.g. heavy weight fiberglass insulation), but if there is much bass the only really effective way to sound proofing is using something like green glue or RSIC clips to acoustically isolate the speaker from the floor above. See the links. You would need to construct a sealed (from above) drywall/gypsumboard box. See the two websites for further info. Note that the whole ceiling will be acting as a membrane and because it is coupled to the floor above don't expect miracles. The real solution is to retrofit the whole ceiling ... but I doubt you want to get into that!