If you were driving a car traveling at the speed of light and you switched the lights on would they work ?
There is no time if you're traveling at the speed of light. If you would go to a star 500 light years from here, you will be there directly, 0 seconds. For us on Earth it will be 500 years before you arrive, but you'll be there instantaneously. So it's not possible to switch your lights on. If you're traveling at just under the speed of light, and you turn your lights on, you will see the light traveling at the speed of light before you, while someone who is standing still will see the light crawling forward in front of you, but of course, you'll be going pretty fast and the light will travel at the speed of light for the still observer as well. Delta t = delta t' sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) s = (v1+v2)/(1+(v1*v2)/c^2)
they would work, whether or not you could see them is another matter. probably not.
first off, i heard objects could only possibly travel at 99.9% the speed of light. so i guess the lights would be able to work since they would have that small speed difference to work with. who knows though cus its all just theory really.
This question gets asked once a week or so. It's impossible for any material object to move at the speed of light so the question cannot be answered. If you were moving at 99.99% of the speed of light, the light from the headlights would appear to move away from you at exactly the speed of light, that is relativity. You would see no difference in their operation. To a stationary observer, the light from the headlight seems to move at the speed of light also. .
What do you mean you would be there in 0 seconds if traveling 500 light years away at the speed of light? As the name infers, it would take 500 years; as it takes ~14 billion years for the light from the cosmological horizon to reach us. I'm not trying to call you out or anything, I just do not understand. I believe you already got your answer; we can't travel the speed of light so of course wed see the light.