I'm just curious but, how would you create a standing wave using a black opaque object and a red laser light?How would the process go about?Please provide good info and please no negative comments. Thank you.
check craft stores. my local Michael's has resin for 15bucks. You can put pretty much anything in the resin. Metals, plastics, magazine clippings, bugs, flowers, leaves, etc. Anything printed by a home inkjet printer onto regular paper has a tendancy to smudge and run. Crepe or tissue paper is great for slightly tinting the resin.
lightning clouds are full of a charge. I cant remember if its positive or negative. assume its negative u noe that like particles repel so the negative charges in the sky repel the negative charges in the earth thus making it positive. These positive charges most concentrated at a high point (cuz its closer to the negative charges). so the lightning is attracted to this high point. Also ur rod is metal a lightning rod is connected to the ground and thus has an almost limitless supply of positive charges thus has a higher chance of attractin the lightning