Okay, so our house has a steam boiler. It broke and is not heating the house- this actually happened last year too. But anyway, there's a glass gauge on the boiler where you can see the water level, and it's all the way full, not between the lines where it's supposed to be. I'be emptied a loooot of water out of it, but it just keeps filling up again. There's something that we labeled bypass valve, so I'm thinking it's important- do I need to flip that before emptying the water? Not sure if this made sense, but...yeah...
If the bypass valve is in the water line then you need to shut it. It is only there so if your auto fill valve doesn't work you can still add water. Turn power off to unit shut bypass. Drain the water out of system. You should do this once a month. To help remove sediment from system. After it drains. Turn power on Auto feeder should fill if not use bypass to fill to fill line.
Steam boilers are dangerous - it is easy to build pressure and cause steam venting or an explosion. You need a competent repairman. Too much water means the auto-feed is broken. You removed water it continues to fill. The valve needs to be rebuilt or replaced.
I would recommend calling a qualified technician. You DO NOT want to mess with steam.
If that is extremely a steam boiler, and the boiler itself replaced into replaced, all the steam traps could were replaced mutually. this would reason an over stress of the gadget. also there are traps contained in the go back lines back to the boiler, in the adventure that they are plugged would reason water to back up in gadget. yet another merchandise to look at is your steam controller, is it operating genuine keeping the boiler on the perfect stress?
I don't know what other problems there may be but as far as the boiler filling up,if you have a coil in the boiler for heating your tap water,then it is probably leaking water into the boiler.I had this problem several years ago and plugged the coil and installed an electric water heater.This is a common problem when they get old.