Are Steel Building Kits really helpful while erecting a steel building?
Of course yes! Steel building kit is design specific corresponding to the type of steel building required to be constructed or erected. The steel building kit consists of all the necessities needed by the purchaser or the investor. As steel buildings are prefabricated or pre-engineered they are manufactured in factories in various sections and parts which are to be brought to the construction site to be assembled. So in any case they are beneficial :)
I put up a 30'x40' Mueller Steel Building from a bolt together kit 6 yrs ago. Fully insulated, 2 10'x10' roll up doors, 1 walk thru door, 3 windows, 2' overhang all around, and gutters. The building price minus the slab was about $9500. The only special equipment was a neighbor's large Farmall with a hay spike on the FEL that we used to lift the trusses in place. Then it was mainly cordless drills to put in LOTS of self tapping screws, circular saw with metal cutting blade, tall ladders, etc. Had help putting up the trusses and putting up the roof panels. Everything else I did by myself. Took about 6 wks, but that was only working weekends and maybe 3 evenings a week since that land is 30 miles from my house. Would have gone a lot faster with at least one helper.