okay i got some questions of the steel plow.1st - who inveneted it? where and when?2nd - how did it work? what is it used for? what is it made of? how is it produced?okay guys thank you very much. remember best answer gets best answer 10 points!
You want ot read up on American John Deere; he madethe first plow capable of cutting the virgin sod of the great planes.
If you're willing to substitute the word iron for steel (steel came a good bit later in history), the Girard plow from the 1300's in Belgium would be the first example known. It's named after the guy who invented it (Girard). How did it work? Like any other plow! You drag it along and it makes a trench of sorts in the ground! It was used for agricultural purposes. As for how it was produced, you need to look up the history of the Iron Age to understand how they started to use iron back in about 1200BC to make tools.