This is what I have 60 cards4 sea gate oracle1 Transendent Master 10 Island7 plains1 Kabira crossroad1 Serjiri Steppe1 sejiri refuge2 divination2 Dreamstone Hedron4 Rest for the weary3 Ulamog's Crusher2 Mysteries of the deep3 Repel the darkness2 See Beyond1. Knight of Cliffhaven1. Lighthouse Chronologist1. champion's drake1.Eldrazi Conscription1. Ulamog the infinite Gyre1. Lightmine Field1. Archive Trap1 Soaring Seacliff3 Venerated teacher1 Nimbus wings2 Kabira Vindicator3 Mnemonic WallThe General strategy is to gain a card advantage through the many draw instants.any suggestions as to what I should take out or add in.