That kind of argon arc welding machine can weld copper and solder aluminium. What brand is good, and what's the price?
You can choose WSE-400-1, this machine is ok. You can search it online!
See what do you do, if some of the simple and convenient to carry, can buy 220V WSE200 argon arc welding machine can weld stainless steel, aluminum, iron, copper, but suitable for small workpiece processing, the machine can not stand too much. So there is a general neutral aluminum size WSE315 argon arc welding machine is second 380V the can, this is one step, but the price is slightly higher, in front of that some easy to carry and easy to use some is with 220V power, in front of the 2500-3000, behind the kind of 3500 yuan.Brand words, eyes of the beholder! Wise! A penny goods, brand words can be used as a special welding power of Odin
See what do you do, if some of the simple and convenient to carry, can buy 220V WSE200 argon arc welding machine can weld stainless steel, aluminum, iron, copper, but suitable for small workpiece processing, the machine can not stand too much. So there is a general neutral aluminum size WSE315 argon arc welding machine is second 380V the can, this is one step, but the price is slightly higher, in front of that some easy to carry and easy to use some is with 220V power, in front of the 2500-3000, behind the kind of 3500 yuan.Brand words, eyes of the beholder! Wise! A penny goods, brand words can be used as a special welding power of Odin