The addition of the catalyst has no effect on the chemical equilibrium of the movement
Hello, the essence of chemical equilibrium is a dynamic equilibrium, under certain conditions, the equilibrium constant of the reaction is a certain value, the role of the catalyst is to reduce the activation energy required for the reaction, increase the number of activated molecules, so that the reaction within a unit time The number of molecules increased, but the positive reaction is positive for the reaction, so do not change the speed
Factors that affect the chemical balance of movement are mainly concentration, temperature, pressure and so on.
The essence of chemical equilibrium is a dynamic equilibrium. Under certain conditions, the equilibrium constant of the reaction is a certain value. The role of the catalyst is to reduce the activation energy required for the reaction, increase the number of activated molecules, and increase the number of molecules per unit time , But the positive reaction is positive for the reaction, so do not change the speed.