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The boiler is making funny noises...?

We have hot water and heating... no problem. But the boiler keeps making loud clicking/buzzing/hissing noises. Can they explode? Any ideas what's wrong? We can't turn it off for some reason...


.This could be caused by one of two faults, both easily fixed. 1) check the water pressure gauge on the boiler when the heating is off and cold, if it is above 2 barr there is too much water in the system, remove the front cover and behind the pump there will be a red twist button, twist this to let water out of the system, this should, if the boiler was installed correctly, let the water out through a pipe through the wall. The replace the cover, and top the water back up to no more than 1.5 to 2 barr. turn the boiler on and wait a few seconds for the air to circulate out of the system. 2) The system could have excessive air in it, Bleed the air from the radiators, while keeping an eye on the water pressure gauge, so that it dosn`t fall below the required pressure, starting with the radiator furthest away from the boiler. When all the air is expelled, top up the pressure to 1.5 to 2 barr, and turn the boiler on for a few minutes, to circulate the water. If the noises still persist, call an engineer, as the pump my need servicing.
There should be a steam blow off valve somewhere. Since the boiler is run by electricity, find the disconnect and secure the power. This will stop it from making more steam. Call the manufacturer and explain your problem.
i'm unsure the way it pertains to the gas hearth, yet my historic boiler frequently makes loud banging noises and this implies there is air in the pipes. in many cases once I bleed the equipment thoroughly (run the water it is in the equipment out and cycle by way of sparkling water) it stops for a month or so.
yes it can explode maybe try the valve because it may have a water overload, drain some of the water and see if the sound goes away if not call a mechanic

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