Please could someone help me with my school project, the question is:Suggest three possible strategies to address the issue regarding food additives. Think about how consumers should be informed about the uses of additives and the possible influence of food additives, colorants and chemical preservatives on health (possible allergic reactions)All help would be greatly appreciated!!
The best method would be informing the public the sources and purpose of the additives. Consumers are attracted to color, thus food colorings are used.Preservatives are used in practically everything, although, sometimes it is not necessary. The problem does not lie in the producers, but rather the consumer.We as consumers, make the choice and create a demand for a specific product.If more people were to opt for All Natural products, then the demand of products with additives would decrease. The public should be informed about the sources, production, etc. of the additives.It would be ideal, but unrealistic, for companies to list such information on their products. What it comes down to is being informed.The public should know what they are eating.They should know what is going into their mouths.It'd be great for suppliers to provide such information, but I think we, as consumers, are responsible for obtaining such knowledge.
Yes, food allergies can definitely create your sensations. Sorry your preferred MD is not aware of other consequences of allergic reaction. Glad you know how it manifests in animals and have made the correlation. Recently, I have determined an allergic reaction to the milk products I have been consuming had created the skin condition I've dealt with for over 7 years with no MD helping me figure it out (thanks Kaiser Permanente - not!). So, by eliminating the milks, my liver calmed down, and voila - no more itching and other unpleasant skin eruptions. No need to put topical steroids on to handle the itching. You are correct an elimination diet can determine what you have become allergic to. Sounds like you've got some info on how to go about that and know it will take time. If you've had lots of antibiotics prescribed in your life, there could be a Candida issue. A diet outline for resolving that is listed at the website below. I am sure there are other outlines available on the web but this one lists what a friend had to do over 20 years ago. If you are willing to step away from Western medical practitioners, and have access to alternatives, you can seek Acupuncturists, Natuopaths and certified herbalists for their assistance in solving your health riddle. Good luck with your detective work. Thanks for asking for input from strangers here on Yahoo. May you get relief shortly! Maluhia - peace.