Every single day I come to class this kid sits next to me and he smells like weed badly. I'm getting annoyed because I can't move anywhere without him following me. He thinks sitting next to me will get him closer to his ex gf who i am dating. (a year now, they've been broken up for 3 years) All he does in class is play with his weed crusher and container and when he opens the dang thing it smells horrible, i even come out of class smelling like i just smoked a joint myself. There are three desk in my row, i sit on the end and he sits right beside me in the middle an I don't know how to tell him to move without him beating the crap out of me.
Tell him that smoking weed will lower his IQ.
Ask someone else to sit next to you or sit in the middle of the three desks so he can't be by you.
Here's my suggestion, when you arrive in class tomorrow tell your teacher you are extremely sensitive to the cologne____ wears and you would like to sit in the front row. For all you know it could be cologne, you are sensitive to the smell and you would like to change your seat. If you do this after class it would appear as if you were snitching, doing it while others are there will show there is nothing underhanded. Good luck.
Move yourself. Tell the teacher that you are allergic to some cosmetic or shampoo or medicine that he must use. That may cause the teacher to notice and act. If he opens the crusher and container in class, someone should notice. Do not get into talking about how he is a pest and used to be with your girlfriend. If he moves to be near you again, tell him that you are allergic to his shampoo or something he eats or a medicine he takes and that sitting near him makes you break out or have an allergy attack. Be nice and say you are sorry but that this is just a problem you have. No offense. You really cannot make him move. But you can move and set things up so your teacher will notice what he is doing and take care of it.