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The main location of the sofa in the guest

The main location of the sofa in the guest


In this case, away from the office desk or the opposite side of the window seats for the seats (guest seats). At this point, has nothing to do with the door.
Such a guest room from the door far from the seats for the seats, the general situation, guests visit in accordance with the order of work from the inside and outside into the long sitting sofa.
If the talk desk ends towards the main entrance, that is, the vertical display, then the direction of the door shall prevail, the right side for the passenger, the left side of the main side
Seating arrangements requirements: guests sitting on the right side, the owner sitting on the left. For translators, the records are arranged behind the guests and host behind.
In this case, the seat of the office seats for the main seats, next to and away from the door of the seats for the guests seats.

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