The parameters of the channel steel of Q235B
According to the GB/T 700-1988 GB standard, Q235B is carbon structural steel, and the grade is B,Chemical composition, mass fraction%|C:, 0.09 ~ 0.15Chemical composition, mass fraction%|Mn:, 0.25 ~ 0.55
The execution standard is GBT706-2008 angle groove
Q235B is carbon structural steelIt consists of Q+ numeral + quality grade symbol + deoxidization method symbol. The steel dubbed "Q", representing the yield point of steel, behind the digital representation of the yield point value, in units of MPa such as Q235 (s) said the yield point for carbon steel 235 MPa. The necessary grades can be marked behind said deoxidation methods of quality grades and symbols. The quality class symbols are A, B, C, and D respectively. Deoxidation method notation: F means boiling steel; B represents semi killed steel: Z indicates calm steel; TZ stands for special sedation steel; calm steel is not marked; Z and TZ are not standard. For example, Q235-AF indicates a class of rimmed steel.