The pierced nail has just been taken off. Can you change the plastic bar directly?
However, tea stem is still slightly better, there is anti-inflammatory effect, that is, often push, often around, so as not to stick together long time, then some of the pain. Beauty will sacrifice a little bit of Oh!
Yes, but still in advance to use alcohol ear disinfection, insert as carefully as possible, just playing pierced ears or tender, to endure pain Oh, inflammation is best to wipe alcohol.
It is best not to change down. After playing first rub anti-inflammatory drugs. After a week is not much friction. Good attention; and don't sleep sideways sleep. Don't hang towel to ear ear. Do not use hand to Cayao. His attention to the point on the right. For a long time yourself feel good can change in the activity. I hope you will be satisfied with my own experience.