Home > categories > Home Appliances > Vacuum Cleaners > The polynomial 56.69x + 66.74z describes the revenue a company generates from the sale of three different handheld vaccum cleaners. The?

The polynomial 56.69x + 66.74z describes the revenue a company generates from the sale of three different handheld vaccum cleaners. The?

expression 49.94x + 27.77y + 25.82z describes the cost of producing each of the handheld vacuum cleaners. Write a polynomial in simplest


Profit = revenue - cost = 56.69X + ??y + 66.74z - (49.94x + 27.77y + 25.82z) = (56.69X - 49.94X) + (??Y - 27.77Y) + (66.74z - 25.82z) = 6.75X + ((??Y - 27.77Y) + 40.92 you did not give us the revenue for the 'y' units.

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