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The refrigerator is frozen well and the freezer is not cool

The refrigerator has been used very well, before the cold room, things will freeze, a few months ago I except a cream, appeared the freezer is still very good, imagination is not too cool inside the freezer, put things not to live, especially in the summer, even a few days, pickled tofu noodles will I will be transferred to the long, cold room temperature even at 8 (the larger the number the more cold), someone said I broke when defrosting, is leakage of fluorine, the past few months is not cooling the freezing chamber, the freezing chamber is now no problem. How can I make the compressor work longer so that I can lower the refrigerator? What should this be repaired?


Is the leakage of fluorine, but the leakage is very slow, my fridge also had the same problem, then add some freon to normal after a period of time out of the old problem again, with coil brush brush dipped in soapy water in the freezer, see you is not hurt when deicing leakage fluorine local coil
Leakage of fluorine, the freezer will also have problems, it should be temperature control is not adjusted, because the thermostat only to the refrigerator has a regulatory role.
Is your thermostat electronic or mechanical? Electronic is digital display, mechanical, that is, in the refrigerator, there is a roller manually adjusted. Does the compressor start frequently after defrosting? Start running time is short. If, as I said, there might be something wrong with the thermostat. Just change it. If you can refrigeration, it is not leakage of fluorine, leakage is not cold.

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