Home > categories > Home Appliances > Refrigerators > There is 0-7 block to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator. I don't know which file to go to. The temperature is the lowest

There is 0-7 block to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator. I don't know which file to go to. The temperature is the lowest

There is 0-7 block to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator. I don't know which file to go to. The temperature is the lowest


0 is not working state, the greater the number, the more powerful refrigeration, 7 is the highest intensity of refrigeration, as long as the rotating button can adjust the temperature, the general summer 1~3 stalls, spring and autumn 3~4 stalls, winter 4~5 stalls.
Mechanical temperature control, temperature regulation is to be adjusted according to season.The larger the number of stalls, the lower the temperature, the 0 gear is stall, and the most high-end is forced refrigeration.1, spring and autumn regulation center (3.4) is better.2, the hotter the weather (summer), the smaller the regulation (2.3).3, the colder the weather (winter), the greater the regulation (5.6).
In the 3 and 4 summer winter 2 to 3 can be a bit high, electricity does not pay, low food preservation period will be shorter.

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