Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Suspended Platform > There is a dry stone hanging project on the exterior wall. Hanging basket needs many mobile installation, each installation should be tested?

There is a dry stone hanging project on the exterior wall. Hanging basket needs many mobile installation, each installation should be tested?

There is a dry stone hanging project on the exterior wall. Hanging basket needs many mobile installation, each installation should be tested?


Hanging basket construction is a dangerous height work. The safety and reliability of equipment shall be tested with a qualification in play, installation, use before the construction plan approved by the relevant departments of the enterprise safety, audit, corporate chief engineer group signed to belong to more than a certain size, according to the provisions of the construction quality of [2009]87#, but also by the group of experts through demonstration
After installation, it should be checked by self inspection, enterprise inspection and acceptance. Each shift and installation must be checked by self check and enterprise inspection. The test fee of entrance equipment, the expenditure of enterprises and the shift need not be tested again. The detection cost is charged in the construction safety measures of the ferry fee.

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