Ok, I just moved in to my own apartment this past Spring, and it's an older duplex (with a lot of friggin windows-31 to be specific). So trying to keep the heat in this winter is a huge issue. I've heard of covering the windows with plastic to help, but I'm also looking at thermal shades (window quilts, etc.). My question would be which of these would keep more heat in? Or should I do both? (I would make my own if doing the quilts...so if anybody has any links to a really easy way to make them that would be very much appreciated as well! ) Money is tight, so I'm trying to avoid the problem to begin with..
the plastic window coverings work great and are inexpensive. they keep the wind from blowing into your home too. shades and quilts would not stop the wind from blowing in.
I've had the same problem before. This is what I would do....I would do the plastic (There is some that you can use a hair dryer on to tighten up so it looks better and doesn't blow around). Once that is done I would do the quilts/blankets to be a bit more insulating. You could just tack them up inside the window frame or if you have curtain rods is even better. If it is an older place it could look really cute with quilts. Good Luck. sorry I don't have any links right now but I will keep my eyes peeled for you.
Where the window body mets the siding, must be caulked round. The home windows being new, must be sealed inside themselves. Therefore,. the one expertise hole might be wherein the brand new window body meets the residence at the external.